This Old Thing?
In today’s world, what’s old is new again. Between fashion nostalgia and the mainstreaming of vintage hauls, more and more, we’re looking to years past for inspiration. And why shouldn’t we? Sometimes the answer isn’t buying new clothes, it’s working with what you’ve got. With This Old Thing?, we’re bringing you all the fashionable details, red carpet memories, and styling tips you’ll ever need—straight from the celebs you love.
Priyanka Chopra has a lot going on. She's a new mom, an entrepreneur—her hair care brand, anomaly launched last year—a philanthropist, and has three movies and a television show on the horizon. But despite all this, she's found the time for a new endeavor, as the face of Gloria Vanderbilt Jeans.
Specifically, she's starring in the brand's new campaign called "I Have Needs. Fit Them." Chopra explains that "it's high time women expect other people to fit their needs and put them first, because that's something women have never been told—we always sort of cater to people's needs, because women are nurturers. Who thinks about her? And I liked the fact that this campaign reminds us to sort of think about ourselves once in a while."
"What I love about Gloria Vanderbilt is that it's such a legacy American brand," she continues. "Here's this woman in the '70s, founding a company and creating a brand at a time when jeans was predominantly male dominated, and she decided to make jeans for women. I mean, she was a pioneer at an incredible time." But for Chopra it's not just about the story—she's a denim girl through and through, and these jeans fit her high standards.
"I wore the damn jeans, and they're incredible!" she says. "You can spend your entire day in them—especially coming out of the pandemic, nobody wants to wear fitted clothes or jeans anymore. But not these jeans. You can tell they're made by a woman for a woman. It fits you in the right places, and supports you in the right places."
Below, Priyanka Chopra shares her closet essentials, her biggest fashion missteps, and how she stays present through it all.
How She Styles Her GV Jeans
"I love wearing the wide-leg jeans when I'm hot with a crop top and just making it super breezy and airy. And I think for fall, it would be really great to have the corduroy Amanda Classic, which is amazing. Or the boot cut, or even the flares, which I'm really happy have made a comeback. They're amazing because they fit you really perfectly, and I think for fall coming up they would be really fun."
The Outfit That Makes Her Feel Most Like Herself
"A great pair of jeans and a white shirt. Whether I wear them with heels, or whether I wear them with sneakers, it really is my uniform. Like it's my most favorite outfit—blue jeans and a white shirt."
Gloria Vandebilt Jeans, design by Tiana Crispino
The One Piece She's Held Onto from Past Jobs
"I've worn so many amazing pieces, but I was such a nomad my whole life, traveling from country to country, never really having a place to root up to a few years ago, when I finally bought a house. So I never really kept anything, because I always needed to travel light or move at the drop of a hat, and I really do wish I had kept stuff. And now I've started doing it, I kept a little caterpillar from my new movie that's coming out, It's All Coming Back To Me. From Quantico I kept the jacket, but before that I really didn't do it because I just never thought there would be any value to it. I was just too busy building my career."
Her Personal Style in Three Words
"Comfortable, put-together, and fun."
The Fashion Memory That Shaped her
"I've had a few amazing fashion moments. The first I think of was when I first won Miss India—I was 17 years old, it was January 2000. And I was being made up with professional hair and makeup for the first time. All the girls had to wear these incredible saris that were custom-made for the contestants. And I remember wearing it... I mean, heels were put on me, jewelry was put on me. And I really felt transformed, and the power of what fashion does to someone.
"And these were custom-made gorgeous saris during the pageant, and I really realized the power of fashion because if you think about it, fashion really doesn't have to be complicated. If you have an important thing that's happening in your life, like you're going for a job interview, or you're getting married, or you just like have people over, whatever it is, we always think about what we're going to wear, because your clothes kind of are your first impression, right? And that's fashion, honestly. Like what is your style? It's as simple as that. But I remember feeling the poignancy and the gravity of wearing something which was fashionable and created for me in that moment. That's one of my first memories of recognizing that."
Priyanka Chopra
Her Biggest Fashion Lesson
Does she have her fashion regrets? "Sure, but I'm not gonna throw the outfit under the bus." For Chopra, the missteps were never just about the dress, instead "doing too much" with her hair, makeup, and jewelry all together on the carpet. "Everybody has fashion hits or misses. I definitely learned a lot from my misses!"
The Best Styling Advice She's Ever Gotten
"Focus on one hero piece. Whatever that is—it could be your bag, or your jacket or your hair. But put on one hero piece, and you know, make everything else work with that. I do that around shoes, or whatever I want to pop."
The One Person's Closet She'd Want to Steal
"I don't think I would have the courage or the body to pull it off. But Rihanna. She's everything."
Gloria Vanderbilt Jeans, design by Tiana Crispino
If She Could Only Have Three Things in Her Closet They'd be...
"That's terrible! I would definitely have an amazing pair of jeans because I could dress them up or down. In this case, it would be the probably the Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda Classic. And then a great button down and a black slip dress."
How She Stays Grounded
"I think being present, yes. Staying grounded, I don't know if I've thought about like, 'Okay, I'm not feeling very grounded,' you know? But being present in the moment is something that I've really worked on in the last seven to eight years of my life. Because I used to spend a lot of time really running very fast, aiming for the next day because I was just like, climbing, and I've reached a point where, now I like to savor my day.
"I like to spend time with friends and family. I like to have a nice cup of coffee or a good glass of wine and have a conversation with friends, and watch an amazing movie. I like to do all of that along with, being ambitious, which I am! So now I started bifurcating my work life, and you know, life life or my personal life. So that work-life balance is something that is important to me now."