Noah Beck has just informed me that he's in his coffee era. He used to be not-so-into-it, but a friend's vanilla latte won him over during a long airport slog, and he's been experimenting ever since. When the perennially-grinning social media superstar appears on our video call, he's sitting outside an L.A. java house just after a gym session, AirPods tucked in and ready to go.
As it turns out, his coffee shop locale is both a want and a need. The internet's been shut off at his house, he laughs as he tells me, because someone forgot to pay the bill—a situation so hilariously on-brand for a mansion full of famous, extremely online Gen Z-ers that it could be the conceit for an entire sitcom episode. But even if Beck were calling from home, his newfound interest in coffee seems more than necessary for someone with such a packed schedule. In addition to extensive brand partnerships and an unwavering dedication to soccer (his first love), Beck oversees his wildly popular social media channels that boast a combined following somewhere north of 35 million.
Though he's almost physically resistant to calling himself famous ("I hate that word!" he says more than once), Noah Beck is extremely, undeniably famous. But he's also the sort of person who, upon speaking with them, makes you glad for their success. Beck's energy can only be described as camp counselor cool, as in the athletic, cheerful cabin leader who can not only do a backflip off the dock but takes the time to hype up the kids too scared to jump, too.
It's clear why he's amassed such a following of dedicated Zoomers, all tuning in to watch his pranks, dances, workouts, friendships, and interactions with his girlfriend (the equally popular Dixie D'Amelio). Beck's appeal and sphere of influence are only growing both within and outside of his typical demographic, though. The former D1 player just inked an ambassador contract with Major League Soccer, and experimental, fashion-forward photoshoots are turning the 20-year-old into something of a style icon. Mix in the inevitable scrutiny that comes with documenting your life for an audience of young people, and it'd be enough to stress anyone out at least a little bit. But through it all, Beck keeps smiling—that's kind of his thing, you know.
Noah Beck / Design by Tiana Crispino
What's on your TikTok FYP right now? I feel like that's the window to the soul these days.
"I have everything from comedic viral videos and random stuff to workout, cooking, and food videos—I love aesthetic, ChefTok kind of stuff. And I'll have some video of a cat or some cute animal with millions and millions of likes randomly [LAUGHS], but that's about my For You Page right there. Oh, and soccer clips. Definitely some sports clips in there as well."
Yeah, speaking of soccer, how do you manage to keep it an important part of your life?
"I try to play as much as I can. I still have some friends at UCLA that I'll go and kick the ball around with sometimes, and that's always nice because I miss it a ton. Until a couple of months ago, I was training with a local professional team here. They let me train with them for a little. They're like, 'Look, if you miss it and want to potentially get back into it, we're here.' I was like, 'Okay!' So, I did that for a few months and loved it, but then got to a point where my schedule just caught up to me. And it became a lot.
"Soccer coaches are very old-fashioned, and they're like, 'So you're gonna be all in, right?' But I'm coming on as one of the heads of the social media aspects of MLS. I'm going to have a weekly thing where I'll take the best clips of some of the games over the past week in the MLS, and I'm going to break them down. I'm going to be a host and spokesperson for the MLS on social media. And I'm super excited about that."
Along with trying to play soccer and stay active, are you into any wellness practices right now?
"I don't know if this is a wellness thing, but I'm in my coffee era. It's so L.A., but I just got into coffee. I guess I just never had the right one before. And I love the aesthetic of waking up in the morning and getting a coffee. I love working out, and I try to do that every day if I can. Even if I don't have time, I'll go for a walk in the morning around my neighborhood and get some vitamin D from the sun. Maybe a little run here and there.
"In terms of other things—just because I'm not feeling the best right now—I like immunity shots. They suck, but those sometimes help. Another one of my friends put me on a green juice with ginger, and I hate it, but I feel different after drinking it. And I'm like, 'Okay, maybe it works.' But I don't know if I can push through the taste! I hate it!
"I've always wanted to get into meditation. When I wake up in the mornings, I always tend to stretch. As I'm brushing my teeth, I'll pull up my legs and stretch out. I wouldn't necessarily call that yoga, but that's something that I would like to get into. There's this hot yoga place near my house, and I did that one time with one of my friends growing up and his mom. His mom was a vet at it, but it was so hard. My friend and I were pretty in-shape athletes, so we were like, 'This will be easy.' And his mom just kicked our ass in it—we were on the floor in the middle of hot yoga, just laying on the mats, struggling. [LAUGHS] I try to live a pretty healthy life. I think I feel best when I'm productive in that way."
Noah Beck / Design by Tiana Crispino
Coffee, yoga, green juice—you're right, that's pretty L.A. When you moved to the city, what did you find most surprising?
"I immediately think of how fast-paced it is. I expected that coming in, but everyone seems to always be doing something. And it wasn't really surprising as well, but you see a lot of people who are very showy with their items. They're trying to prove stuff to people. I don't know if I was expecting that, but I wasn't not expecting that. You hear these stories about L.A., and I thought it was all movie cliches, like stereotypes of L.A."
Is there anything you're just obsessing over right now? Shows, places, things.
"I don't know if you'd call it this, but I love doing wholesome things. I love having game nights with friends, I love movie nights, and I love going to the beach. It's about that time in L.A. when you can go to the beach without it being too cold, so I'm excited about that. I love traveling, and I love how my job allows me to travel. That's something I've been focusing on, finding things that bring me joy because this job is overwhelming at times—there's a lot of negativity in it. But I do love working. I love that part of it. I love going to acting class. I love getting better at what I'm trying to do here. I love fashion. That's something that I love a little too much sometimes because my bank account takes a bit of a toll from it [LAUGHS]."
Do you have any fashion icons you admire? How would you describe your style?
"My inspo board of people who I try to dress like... it's kind of all over the place. I don't model my fashion after any one person. There are outfits that Harry Styles wears—a lot of his show 'fits from his most recent tour, Love On Tour. I'm like, 'Wow, he looks amazing.' Timothée Chalamet is another example. Obviously, both of them have very different body types than what I have, but still, you can make it work. I've started to enjoy fashion more now that I've gotten to do it. I started to appreciate it now that I'm going to the shows.
"I have a very different understanding and a very different appreciation than when I first started doing fashion. Now, I'm looking at it, and I'm like, 'That's so nice, I really saw what the creative director was thinking with that,' and I think it's cool when it gets to that point."
Noah Beck / Design by Tiana Crispino
What does your skincare routine look like these days?
"Because I'm not feeling the best; my skin's super dry right now. For one, L.A. air and water suck. You need filters for your water and stuff like that, and I've been too lazy to purchase them because I think I can overcome it with skincare. But yeah, it definitely helps if you have good water, good air, wherever you are.
"Because I've been traveling so much, I've been experiencing different kinds of water and air, so my skin's like, 'Whoa, what are we doing?' Even my hair! Ever since I started traveling a lot, I've had very dry skin. Even my scalp sometimes is dry because I'm working out and sweating. And then I don't want to wash my hair every day because I'm told not to, but I kind of have to because it's gross. It's hard to find a balance.
"I think a lot of people can relate to that because even I come across TikToks of people saying stuff like, 'The secret to having great hair is shampooing two times a week and conditioning every day!' If I conditioned every day, my hair would be so flat! It's all about what works best for you. I've noticed that with skincare as well. I have to moisturize more often than some of my friends do because they have naturally dewy skin. Ever since I got my first brand deal for skincare, I have found a love for it. It just makes you feel good. I'm going to be honest: I can't say I do it every single night and morning, but consistency is very important."
On the subject of your hair, tell me how you look after it. Your hair is like a thing. Tons of guys bring in your pictures to the barber.
"That's so cool. That's crazy. And it's funny because I'm literally still trying to figure it out. I don't have a set thing that I do every day to my hair. I don't have it all figured out at all. After my workout [today], I showered at the gym, and I just scrunched it together, let it dry, and it kind of stays like this. So it's a bit more curly than it usually is. And my hair can do that—I can scrunch it, and it'll air-dry into an effortlessly, messy-wavy look. Sometimes when I wash it, unless I have a product in, it's very fluffy. When it becomes that way, when it's fluffy, I'll do this thing with my hand and try to push it up in the front. Sometimes I'll blow-dry, and just kind of tilt my head down and have the blowdryer out here [HOLDS ARM OUT], and that'll give it that natural coif in the front.
"In terms of product, maybe some sea salt sprays here and there, but I don't use any paste or anything like that. It comes to the point where I'll have one good hair day, and I'll be like, 'Wait, what did I do today that made it look like this?' And I try to remember, and I'm like, 'I didn't put anything in this? Why does it not always look like this?!' And that's what's so funny about having wavy hair."
Noah Beck / Design by Tiana Crispino
Last question—if you could go back to the day before you made your TikTok account and tell yourself one thing, what would it be?
"To do it. I feel like I'm in a great place, I'm very blessed to be where I am, and I'm very fortunate how things worked out. But like every other person, just like any other job, I have bad days. There are going to be bad days; there are going to be days where you get hate for no reason. There are going to be days where you get put on a shade room or a tea room, and it's like, 'I didn't even do anything,' but it's people I'm associated with. Basically, what I would tell myself is to keep your head up.
"There will be bad days, but it's about how you respond—be calm, collected, be composed. But also, don't take anything for granted. As much as I want to say don't even look at the comments, I'm going to look at comments—it's my video; I want to know what people think about it.
"I would tell myself if people don't know you personally, don't let things that they say personally offend you. Because why? At the end of the day, they don't know you. And you don't know them; you don't know what they're going through."