5 Unexpected Ways to Style a Brooch Pin

Jo Rosenthal wearing a knit hat with a brooch pin

Jo Rosenthal

All of our grandmas had them, and their grandmas had them, and their grandmas had them. The brooch pin has been a favorite among women since the Bronze Age. Can you even imagine what they looked like back then? Originally used to keep garments together during the winter, this centuries-old accessory is a timeless classic.

Brooches come in every shape and form, from ovular to butterfly, with Swarovski crystals to emeralds. Brooches not only let you express yourself, but they take us back to a time when fashion was seen in your smile and not the brand you wore. It wasn't until the Iron Age that brooches became more ornamental and less practical. During then, they also became more personal. As years passed, they became, even more, a part of fashion and a way to tell the world who you were and what you had. We can thank the Anglo-Saxon Period for that and later the Renaissance.

Brooches have been created in every design and mood, including for wearing on your birthday or when you're in mourning. Throughout the centuries, they have helped everyone from the Queen to newborn babies express who they are. The most beautiful aspect of fashion is when something can give us a physical connection to ourselves or our loved ones. Let's just say that we have brooches to thank for what we now call the modern-day "pin." Because it's one of the most versatile accessories, here are some different yet classic ways to add this stunning piece of art to your favorite outfit.

On a Hat

Jo Rosenthal wearing a knit hat with a brooch pin

Jo Rosenthal

Even though there are thousands of styles of hats, not everyone feels like they can pull them off. When you add a brooch to the equation, you'll be sure to change your mind. Add it to your favorite bucket hat, as a symbol to show off how you feel on your beloved baseball hat, or cover your favorite beret with them, a brooch is another way and showing who you are to the world, so why not do it right where people look first?

On a Scarf

Jo Rosenthal wearing a brooch on a scarf

Jo Rosenthal

For all of our Jackie O lovers out there, we have to pay tribute to the brooch queen herself. This gorgeous girl was frequently seen wearing brooches on scarves, and she looked amazing while doing it. Whether you use it to style your scarf like a choker or place the pin a bit lower to give you that country club feel, you'll be sure to stand out at any horse race you attend.

On a Bag

Brooch pin on a pink handbag

Jo Rosenthal

Who doesn't love a little sparkle? Sometimes wearing a plain bag or a bag that everyone has can get a little trendy, so why not spice it up with a brooch? Use it as a closure to a scarf bag or add some flare to any tote to show the world you're not afraid to be bold.

In Your Hair

Jo Rosenthal wearing a brooch in her hair

Jo Rosenthal

No matter the length of your hair, there's always a way to style a brooch in it. Whether it's to push your bangs to the side, pull your hair back fair maiden style, or as a way to add sparkle to your curls, wearing a brooch in your hair is an easy way to work in the accessory.

As a Button

Jo Rosenthal wearing a brooch as a button on a green cardigan

Jo Rosenthal

It is no surprise that the buttons on our favorite shirts go missing way before we notice and way before we want them to. Luckily, there is a simple solution and it's quite fashionable. Who's to say you even need a missing button to wrap your favorite shawl around you as a tube top, or pin your button-down together to help you feel the breeze when you walk?

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