So much of what we believe about wellness comes from external sources. We're inundated with messages about what it means to be well, what our bodies should look like, or how sick we will be if we don't take an $80 supplement. One of the most significant ways we can transform this often shameful relationship with self-care is to reassess our definitions of wellness. To me, self-care is about those little practices that help me feel like my best self. Whether that's a 3 p.m. matcha latte or a quick walk around the block, even the smallest rituals significantly impact how I feel.
It can be tough to know what those small rituals are, though. In this age of never-ending information, we're conditioned not to trust ourselves. There are so many "expert" voices out there claiming to have the latest quick fix for whatever you might (or might not!) be struggling with. Today's wellness culture focuses on highlighting everything wrong with us or every ingredient we need to fear. This shameful messaging is stressful, and this stress robs us of the energy we need to do the work that's actually going to make us feel better.
The word "should" is another culprit that sabotages our relationships with wellness. It often plays an outsized role in our relationship to health and can be the enemy of authentic wellness. Many of us tell ourselves, I should be eating X amount of veggies, or I should be a certain weight for my height. We all know there's no one-size-fits-all version of wellness, but it can be hard to free ourselves from this self-judgment. If we can begin to unlearn these ideas, we can start paying attention to our journeys and what works for us.
Start Small
At Golde, we always think about our messaging in terms of "routines over resolutions." If it's going to have a genuine impact on your life and how you feel, your wellness practices need to be sustainable. I like to think about the small, feel-good rituals you can add to your routine. Instead of an hour-long workout, start with ten minutes of stretching. Setting (and achieving) these small goals will foster a sense of accomplishment and help us mitigate negative self-talk.
If it's going to have a genuine impact on your life and how you feel, your wellness practices need to be sustainable.
Don't Restrict Yourself
Wellness can often feel restrictive, but adopting an abundance mindset can also help heal our relationship with self-care. When it comes to my day-to-day, I love to ask myself, "What can I add?" If I'm craving pasta, that's fine. I add a few handfuls of spinach to the sauce. If I want ice cream for dessert, I'll add some berries on the side to make it a little more nourishing.
This mindset helps shift our thoughts away from restriction and invites us into a world where wellness isn't a punishment. This attitude is also a big part of our ethos at Golde. Rather than selling someone an entirely new routine that might not feel particularly good, we want to meet our customers where they're at and provide products that boost their existing habits.
Pay Attention to What Sparks Joy
This abundance strategy works outside the realm of food, too. Adding moments that spark joy into your day can greatly impact how you feel. It can be as simple as calling your mom, standing up from your desk to go outside for five minutes, or putting your phone down at night so you can get an extra hour of sleep.
One of my favorite forms of self-care is gardening—anything that gets me away from screens is a huge win in my book. I'm lucky to have plentiful access to nature in Upstate New York, but there's plenty to soak up in a city, too. When I lived in Brooklyn, I would wander around and admire people's front gardens (literally stopping to smell the roses).
Adding moments that spark joy into your day can greatly impact how you feel.
Final Thoughts
Once you've figured out what works for you (and it can be a journey, so don't get discouraged!), keep your blinders on. This is the number one piece of advice I give aspiring entrepreneurs, and it's also wildly applicable to the wellness conversation. Comparison is the enemy of success. Don't be afraid to do everything your way, in your own time. Each day is an opportunity to take care of yourself authentically so that you can feel like your best self.